2d 4d ratio per gallon
2d 4d ratio per gallon

These findings emphasize self-perceived gender identity as another potentially influential factor that may also be associated with people’s product preferences and consumption responses ( Gupta and Gentry, 2016). person focus), suggesting that they prioritize gifts that can convey social status ( Palan et al., 2001 see also Palan, 2001) or, alternatively, that they prefer things-oriented rather than people-oriented gifts (cf. Moreover, men with such a “manly” gender identity are more focused on gift-giving with a clear object focus (vs. feminine) gender image more favorably ( Neale et al., 2016). Torgrimson and Minson, 2005), tend to evaluate products with a masculine (vs. For example, people with a masculine gender identity, regardless of their biological sex (cf. Some scholars have argued that self-perceived gender identity (i.e., the degree to which an individual associates his or her self-concept with masculine or feminine characteristics) may have better explanatory power than biological sex cues 1 in predicting consumer preferences ( Fischer and Arnold, 1994 Palan et al., 2001). Regarding consumer behavior, there is evidence that individuals with low (male-typical) digit ratios exhibit more positive attitudes toward high-status goods than those with high (female-typical) digit ratios ( Wu et al., 2017) and show increased interest in such prestigious products when primed with status goals ( Cornelissen and Palacios-Fenech, 2016). Higher levels of prenatal testosterone exposure, as indexed by lower digit ratios, have been shown to correlate positively with aggression ( Bailey and Hurd, 2005 Hönekopp and Watson, 2011), and increased preferences for risk taking ( Brañas-Garza et al., 2018) as well as the development of personality characteristics associated with sensation seeking ( Fink et al., 2006). One biological sex cue presumed to reflect prenatal testosterone exposure, the 2D:4D digit ratio (i.e., the ratio between the length of the index and ring finger), has been discussed in connection to several facets of consumer behavior (e.g., Aspara and Van Den Bergh, 2014 Otterbring et al., 2018 Hand, 2020). These findings add to the literature on whether and when biological sex cues and psychological gender cues can predict preferences for options with a distinct gender image and suggest that the connection between these cues is more complex in women than in men. However, a low digit ratio predicted preferences for masculine consumption options only in female participants with a masculine gender identity, but not in those with a feminine gender identity. A low (male-typical) digit ratio and a masculine gender identity were both associated with more masculine preferences, regardless of participants’ biological sex. Participants also self-reported their gender identity and the length of their index and ring fingers, which was used to calculate their 2D:4D digit ratios. hard rock), with one of the options evaluated as relatively more feminine and the other viewed as comparably more masculine.


Chinese participants ( N = 216) indicated their preferences for a series of binary options that differed in their perceived gender image (e.g., romantic comedy vs. feminine) consumption options could be predicted by a biological sex cue (the 2D:4D digit ratio a biomarker linked to prenatal testosterone exposure), and a psychological gender cue (self-perceived gender identity). This study investigated whether individuals’ preferences for masculine (vs. 4Kunming Academy of Governance, Kunming, China.3Department of Management, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.2Institute of Retail Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.1Department of Management, School of Business and Law, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.

2d 4d ratio per gallon